
Posts by Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn

This Woman Learned The Hard Way That Some People Consider Leftovers “Scraps”

As someone from the Midwest, I honestly had no idea that leftovers were something to frown at until recently. It’s about not being wasteful, for one, but also as a busy mom I love not having to cook something new every single night. It sounds as if this woman was raised similarly, but got a...

Was This Teenage Boy Wrong For Demanding To Use His Brother’s Laptop?

Anyone who has a sibling knows that it’s natural for a certain amount of competition and resentment to crop up now and again. That said, I think a majority of parents do their best to foster love and support within the family structure instead of the opposite. This teenage boy has a brother just one...

Should This Woman Feel Guilty For “Letting” Her Husband Miss A Morning Meeting?

If there’s one thing that hanging out on Reddit has taught me it’s that there are way too many women out there taking care of their husbands while also working and caring for actual children as well. Like, way too many. It seems as if OP in this case falls into that category, as her husband has...

17 People Talk About Losing Their Best Friend

Some people give away the title of “best” friend easily and to more than one person (despite the definition of “best”). Other people have a single bestie who has been with them for years and years. No matter how you define a best friend, though, there’s no doubt that losing one is at least as...

Should A Longstanding Promise To An Old Friend Come Before A Current Relationship?

It’s strange how even though our childhood takes up a comparatively small percentage of our lives (hopefully), the people and moments who exist in it have so much lasting influence. OP had a best friend of the opposite sex growing up – just a friend, neighbor, and confidant. They made a joke as young teenagers...

25 Funny Married People Who Are Definitely Going To Regret Saying That

Marriage is not for the faint of heart, and like every scenario in life that can be tough to navigate some days, humor can be the key to keeping your cool – and sometimes your sanity. You have to be careful, though, because sometimes even the best joke can cost you something worse if your...

14 People Recall Memories From Childhood That Are Darn Near Universal

It’s a sad fact that, when many people look back on their childhood, they find more bad memories than good – at least, those are the ones that stick out. This thread on Reddit is pretty amazing for pointing out not only great feelings of nostalgia that lurk in the past, but that there are...

16 Things Women Will Never Understand About Being A Man (And Vice Versa)

One of the most frustrating things about life is how hard it can be to put yourself in the shoes of someone who lives a completely different experience than your own. This applies to race, sexual orientation, religious preference, biological sex, and yes, about a hundred other lived experiences as well. If you’re a woman...

Did This Woman Upstage Her Brother’s Wedding By Showing Up Pregnant?

If you’ve spent any time reading posts on the subreddit Am I The A$$hole, then you know that weddings are one of the things that makes normal people act truly crazy. Another one is definitely pregnant ladies, so put the two together and I’m not surprised that drama ensued here. The setup is that OP...

Should This Guy Have Intervened When His Wife Was Getting Escorted Out Of His Office?

I think sharing posts like this one is so important, because too many people don’t believe that wives can be harmful and abusive to their husbands. I mean, this poor OP can hardly believe it and it’s happening to him. He says that he’s accepted the fact that his wife is a “hot head” and berates...

Should This Bride Give In To Her Soon-To-Be In-Laws About Wedding Attire?

While it might be a running joke that no one really gets along with their in-laws, I do think that a majority of people go into marriages intending to get along with their in-laws, right? You walk on eggshells for awhile, trying to figure everyone out, in the hopes that eventually actual friendships might be forged....

16 Women Reveal The Thing They And Their Friends “Never” Tell Men

There’s a perception that women have all of these secrets that men will never know or never understand, but for the most part, I feel like that’s an invented assumption. Why? I honestly have no idea but I’m sure it has something to do with the patriarchy. Heh. These 16 women say there are some...

Person Points Out Dad’s Guest Used To Bully Them And Ruined A Dinner. Were They Wrong?

For some reason, far too many children are inherently cruel. Most of them grow out of it at a certain point, but for those who were the target of dedicated, extreme, or lasting bullying, the damage is done long before we all reach adulthood and really take stock. In this case, OP was one of...

Person Asks If Doing The Same Thing To Her Husband That He Did To Hear Is Fair

We can all agree that when it comes to relationships of any kind, communication is key. That said, what is the right response when open and direct communication fails to yield results time and time again? For this OP, the issue was one of those little annoying things that happens during marriage – her husband...

Did This Woman Go Too Far When She Got Her Interviewer Fired?

I absolutely love that more and more women are standing up for themselves when they’re treated badly or unfairly in the workplace or anywhere else. It’s progress! It will be even more progress when we don’t have to ask other people if we did the right thing afterward, though. This woman went in for a job...