25 Teachers And Their Hilarious Classroom Signs
If you don’t know any teachers personally, I feel like you’re definitely missing out. They’re kind of hilarious, they’re great friends, and when they don’t have school the next day, they also really like to party. I don’t know how to convince you other than to show you the hilarious classroom signs these 25 teachers...
14 Recent Tweets We Think Are Too Funny To Pass Up
Tweets are always coming. They never stop, and if you’re someone who spends time on Twitter then you already know that finding the ones that don’t make you want to throw all of humanity in a deep, dark hole can be harder than it seems. That’s what we’re here for, though – to unearth those...
16 People Share Their Awkward Celebrity Encounters
If you’re wondering what any given celebrity is like in real life, well… even though you can find plenty of stories on the internet, there’s no way to really know for sure without being personally acquainted. That said, it can be interesting to read different people’s encounters with different celebrities, and these 16 people had...
This Workplace Memo Tells Employees Not To Ask For Time Off At The Holidays, And People Have Thoughts
It can be really tough when you’re new at your job, the low person on the totem pole, and are wanting to spend some time away with your family over the holidays. You have to put in your dues, etc, and most of us know that going in. What happens when you’re not new and...
14 “Blessed” Images That Were Made To Make You Smile
If you’re poking around the depths of the internet, you probably don’t have to try too hard to find things that make your skin crawl or make you want to hurl humanity into the pit of despair for good. Less often, we find spots that glow with brightness. They’re happy things, wholesome things, sweet things,...
16 Of The Most “Blessed” And Heartwarming Pictures On The Internet
Given the current state of the world and the way we’re all just hanging on by a thread (I know it’s not just me), I would say that now more than ever, it’s the sweet and heartwarming reminders we need about the world. If you’re feeling like you’ve had enough of the dreary doom and...
15 People Share Their Absolute Best And Strangest Dream Ever
Dreams are totally weird, if you think about it. Like, while we slip into unconsciousness our brains go into overdrive, amusing themselves with idle, insane, impossible tales that can leave us questioning our own sanity in the morning. Most of us don’t talk about the weirdest of our dreams, because a – we may not...
16 Of The Strangest Dreams People Have Described Online
As someone who has always been able to remember at least some of their dreams, it’s struck me as strange that there are people who claim not to dream – or at least, not to recall what they dreamed at all. But listen. Even though I’ve had some doozy of odd dreams in my day,...
17 People Muse On The Hard Truths Humanity Has Yet To Accept
The world is a great place, but it’s also a hard place – just an hour spent watching a nature documentary should be enough to prove that to anyone. Humans have a tendency to avoid the hard truths for as long as possible (which is sometimes a bit too long), but these 17 facts are...
16 Things People Agree Are Jerk Moves
Everyone has their own pet peeves and things that just, for whatever reason, get under their skin. Usually, they’re pretty specific from person-to-person, but there are other things that, as a society, we’ve all agreed make you a jerk. If you’re wondering whether the things you think make people jerks are a you thing or...
17 People Reveal Their Deepest, Darkest Secret
Everyone has secrets. Literally everyone. Watching true crime documentaries and listening to true crime podcasts are enough to convince me that we never really know everything about anyone. That said, most of our secrets aren’t the sort of thing that would interest the local police, you know? These 17 people have some dark ones, though,...
14 People Muse On The Worst Thing Someone Could Whisper In Their Ear As They Try To Sleep
Picture it: you’re snuggled down in your bed, something on the television that won’t stop you from going to sleep. The air is cool, the bed is warm, and sleep is just moments away…and suddenly, there’s a voice in your ear. What’s the worst thing possible that it could say? These 14 people have some...
16 Things You Definitely Do NOT Need In Your Life
I think we all know that feeling, the one where you walk into a thrift store or see an ad pop up on a social media timeline and your entire body and soul immediately go “I need that thing in my life immediately.” Less often, we stumble across things that we definitely don’t need in our...
15 Images That You Might Have To Look At Twice
Have you ever run across a picture on the internet that made you scroll back up, squint your eyes, tilt your head, and try for a few minutes to figure out exactly what you were looking at? And sometimes you figure it out, or there’s a helpful caption, but other times? You just have to...
17 Photos That Definitely Leave Us With Unanswered Questions
There are many things in this life that are self explanatory – or at least, nearly so. Lots of times you see an image online and you don’t need to read the caption (even if you do anyway) to know exactly what’s going on. Other times you’re confused as heck, and even once you do read...